Following are the main categories of accounting systems. You should read it, understand it and use it in your accounting work. Hope, this will help in your accounting work.
1. 4 4 5 Calendar
2. Accounting Reforms
3. Off-Balance-Sheet
4. Open Book Accounting Principles
5. Earning Quality
6. Entity Concept
7. Equity Method
8. Bank Reconciliation
9. HR Accounting
10. Imprest System
11. Constant Purchasing Power Accounting
12. Controlling Account
13. Convention of Consistency
14. Convergence of Accounting Standards
15. Cookie Jar Accounting
16. Counting House
17. Indian Accounting Standards
18. Lean Accounting
19. Debit and Credit
20. Waste Book
21. Creative Accounting
1. 4 4 5 Calendar
2. Accounting Reforms
3. Off-Balance-Sheet
4. Open Book Accounting Principles
5. Earning Quality
6. Entity Concept
7. Equity Method
8. Bank Reconciliation
9. HR Accounting
10. Imprest System
11. Constant Purchasing Power Accounting
12. Controlling Account
13. Convention of Consistency
14. Convergence of Accounting Standards
15. Cookie Jar Accounting
16. Counting House
17. Indian Accounting Standards
18. Lean Accounting
19. Debit and Credit
20. Waste Book
21. Creative Accounting